<a href="http://www.google.com/"><img src="https://dabuttonfactory.com/button.png?t=Your+text+here&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=24&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=5&bgt=gradient&bgc=3d85c6&ebgc=073763" alt="Your Text Here" style="width:182px;height:40px;"></a>


  1. Replace the URL with the URL you want them directed to

  2. Replace the Image URL with the image source address you copied from the button generator website

  3. Replace the Alt verbiage with something relevant to the image or the link

  4. Revise the image size as needed to ensure it displays properly

  5. Lastly, paste your new code into the widget or element text and test it out!

<a href="http://www.google.com/"><img src="https://dabuttonfactory.com/button.png?t=Your+text+here&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=24&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=5&bgt=gradient&bgc=3d85c6&ebgc=073763" alt="Your Text Here" style="width:182px;height:40px;"></a>