This report is available to Master level accounts where the Integrated Billing System is used to send invoices or process credit card payments. 

Step 1. 

Select the accounts to display on on the report. By default the report will be set to all users which can be left as is if you want to see all billing for all active users in the account. 

Step 2. 

Select the start and end date for the report. 

Step 3. 

Click the magnifying glass to execute the search for the parameters selected. 

Step 4. 

Review the data displayed. 


  • Invoice # - Displays the invoice number. Click the number to review the particular invoice. 
  • Total - The amount processed on the invoice
  • Status - Dependent on how the billing system and client is configured. If credit card charges are processed, the status will show whether the invoice was paid or declined. If invoices are processed (payment collected by check, ACH , or otherwise) then the amount will show as INVOICED. 
  • Transaction ID - Only displays if payments are processed through the system. Represents the transaction ID.
  • Action Taken - Describes the Status.
  • Date - Date of the charge or invoice. 

Step 5. 

Totals. At the bottom of the report, there is a total for credit card charges, invoices and a grand total of the combined charges.


Step 6. 

To save this report, click the print button located at the top right hand corner of the report. 

See Related Article: Integrated Billing System Overview