The system lets you create multi-image slideshow presentations that you can easily apply to and remove from multiple kiosks within an account. These slideshows can be customized to automate when an individual slide appears and disappears from the presentation. Follow the instructions below to create and apply slideshows to your kiosks.

Step 1.

Click Mobile Tools from the main menu.

Step 2.

Click Digital Kiosk Wizard.

Step 3. 

Locate and click the Slideshows button in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Step 4.

Click the Create New Slideshow button.

Step 5.

Enter a name for the slideshow then click the Create button.

Clicking CREATE will launch the slideshow editor. From here you can rename the slideshow and manage its contents and kiosk assignments.


Step 1.

From within the Slideshow Editor, locate and click the Add Slide button in the upper right-hand corner of the page and a new slide will be added to the carousel.

Step 2.

Click the new slide to activate/deactivate the slide and edit the slide settings.

Step 3.

Click the upload icon to upload an image for your slide. 

NoteYour slide will not be visible on assigned kiosks until you upload an image to the slide.

  •  You may select images uploaded previously in My Image Library, or Upload Custom Image 

  • Click the Check Mark symbol next to your desired image to activate it for the slide. 

Step 4.

After you’ve activated an image click the X to close the pop-up window. 

Optional - Step 5.

By default, Display Date Settings are configured to display the chosen slide at all times. 

  • You have the option to pre-determine Display Date Settings for each slide. Entering a Start/End date range, or selecting specific days of the week, will activate and hide the slide accordingly. 

  • Click UPDATE to save the changes to your slide and repeat steps 1 - 4 until you’ve created your desired slideshow presentation. 


Step 1.

From within the Slideshow Editor, locate and click the Assign to Kiosk button in the upper right-hand corner of the page to select the kiosks that will display the slideshow.

Step 2.

Click the Add Kiosks button in the upper right-hand corner of the pop-up window.

Step 3.

Select the desired kiosks from the list provided then click Continue.

Step 4.

Confirm the desired slideshow settings.

  • Keep Current - Select keep current to maintain the current Display Side, Width, and Fill Color of the Selected Kiosks.

  • Apply Default - Select to apply new default Display Sides, Widths, and Fill Colors settings for the Selected Kiosks.

Step 5.

Click the Apply Settings & Finish button to apply your Slideshow settings to the selected kiosks