Enhanced Options: 10/16/2020

Subject: NEW Blast Schedule Filter


Our programming team recently enhanced the Blast Schedule Filter by revising its organization and adding some new options. 

  • Better Organization - Filter options are now grouped by type.
  • New Message Type - You can now filter for Blasts and Trigger Messages.
  • New Status Options -  You can now filter by Status (All, Scheduled, Sent, Failed, Aborted)

Using the New Filter

Step 1.

From the Blast Schedule menu, locate and click the filter button on the tool bar.

Step 2.

Use the new options in the pop-up window to select the content to be displayed on the Blast Schedule, then click the Filter button to save your changes.

Note: The Trigger Message option does not display messages retroactively, and will only display trigger messages sent after 10/9/2020.