System Update: August 20, 2021

Subject: Message Delivery & Reporting Delays


Please be advised that our upstream messaging partners have indicated they are experiencing delays with inbound/outbound messages and corresponding real-time reporting, including delivery statuses.  Their engineers are aware of this issue and working to restore normal delivery speeds as soon as possible.

These delays are currently affecting all short code traffic.  This does not appear to be impacting 10-DLC or Toll-Free messaging at this time. Although we think it is important to note that the 10-DLC and Toll-Free messaging networks did experience similar delays earlier today but was quickly resolved in under 10 minutes.

Please note that our processing of incoming messages, interactive messages and text broadcasts is functioning properly and delays are upstream beyond our control.

We appreciate your patience and understanding and will update you when this issue is resolved.

--UPDATE-- 8/20/2021 1:22pm PT

Please be advised that our upstream partners have indicated messages are flowing at normal delivery speeds once again. Engineers are continuing to monitor the systems to ensure all messaging queues have cleared.

 Please contact our customer support team at 866-655-5302 if you have any additional questions or concerns.