System Update: December 15, 2021

Subject: Upstream Provider Outage May Affect Short Code Messaging


We received the following alert from our upstream provider for Short Code Messaging: 

We are currently experiencing a temporary disruption of services:

  • APIs may not be accessible or may have increased error rates.
  • Potential latency on any incoming/outgoing SMS and MMS messages and Delivery Reports

Our engineers are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.  We will provide additional impact and recommendations as soon as we have more information.

--Resolved-- 12/15/2021 9:55am ET

We have received notice from one of our aggregation partners that short code messaging delays have been resolved: 

  • At this time, Platform access has been restored and is fully operational. This degradation was due to a larger outage of AWS in the western region, beginning approximately 9:30 CT and ending at 9:55 CT.

We have also checked the AWS Status page and the issue appears to be resolved on their end: AWS Status

Our engineers will be assessing the outbound gateway for any messages that failed to send and will resubmit them to the queue for delivery to end users.